Ada Compiler

Resources -- Compilers

Compile Ada95 online. Add input stream, save output, add notes and tags. Integer, LongInteger etc. Any Ada compiler must provide the Integer type, this is a signed integer, and of implementation defined size. The compiler is also at liberty to provide LongInteger, ShortInteger, LongLongIntegeretc as needed. Unsigned Integers Ada does not have a defined unsigned integer, so this can be synthesised by a.

Direct Site Links:
Ada Core Technologies (ACT)
Green Hills Software
Harris Computer Systems Corp.
Irvine Compiler Corp.
OC Systems
Rational Software Corporation
R.R. Software
Silicon Graphics
Texas Instruments

The list is presented in alphabetical order.Any additional information is welcome.

Information is available in this page for:

  • Ada Core Technologies (ACT)
  • Alsys: see Aonix
  • IBM: see OC Systems Inc.
  • Meridian: see Rational Software Corporation
  • TeleSoft: see Aonix
  • Thomson Software Products: see Aonix
  • Verdix: see Rational Software Corporation

Ada Core Technologies (ACT)
-- Web Site:


Commercial support for the GNAT (GNU Ada) compiler.

Aonix (ex-Thomson Software Products, Alsys and Telesoft)
-- Web Site:

-- Web Site:

-- Web Site:

DDC-I, Inc.
-- Web Site:


Digital (DEC), acquired by Compaq in January 1998
-- Web Site:


Green Hills Software Inc.
-- Web Site:


Green Hills is a company specialized in the design of highly optimizedcompilers and programing and debugging environments for the native and embedded markets. We have C, C++, Fortran, Pascal and ADA compilers.We support a large variety of target processors for the embedded market(68K, 88K, PowerPC, i960, 386, 486, R3000, R4000, SH, SPARC, etc...). We also support different RTOS (pSOS, VMEexec, VxWorks...), and our products are available on a large variety of hosts (PC/Windows, SUN/OS,Solaris, HPPA, Alpha, RS6000, ...).

Harris Computer Systems Corporation
-- Web Site:

Intermetrics, Inc.
-- Web Site:

Irvine Compiler Corp. (ICC)
-- Web Site:

Motto: 'We Make Ada _Fly_!'


Complete Embedded Ada Development Environments fori960 family, hosted on VAX/VMS, HP 9000/700,SparcStation- supports the Tronix PI960MX-JXVExecution Vehicle, Intel EXV-960 MC/XA, andcustom boards.

Native Ada development system available for HP 9000/700 series--selected for Navy TAC-3 program--supports B-level security and HP Softbench.

OC Systems Inc.
-- Web Site:


OCS is concentrating on the newly emerging PowerPC and RS/6000architectures. Our PowerAda product is intended to be best of breedon those platforms and incorporates the Ada95 features of ObjectOriented Programming, Protected Types and Hierarchical libraries.The PowerAda environment also includes a browsing, multilingualdebugger, a library browser, non-invasive monitoring tools andvarious analysis tools.

OCS also sells the IBM recommended replacement products for the IBMAda product line for 370 VM, MVS and RS/6000.

Rational Software Corporation (NASDAQ: RATL)
-- Web Site:


The mission of Rational Software Corporation is to ensure thesuccess of customers in developing and maintaining complexsoftware systems that are strategically important to theirbusinesses. Rational Software Corporation provides a completesoftware-engineering solution consisting of: an integratedsuite of tools, for a broad range of computers andmicroprocessors, that automate software-engineering activities,reduce errors, and improve the productivity of individuals anddevelopment teams; training, consulting, and support servicesto help customers successfully apply their processes and tools;and an iterative software-development process, focused onsoftware architecture and object-oriented programming, thathelps achieve efficient parallel development, large-scalesoftware reuse, outstanding quality, and efficientmaintenance.

Rational Apex is an integrated, interactive,software-engineering environment for total lifecycle control ofcomplex software projects. Rational Apex runs on open-systemsplatforms (IBM RISC System/6000 and Sun SPARC) and is based onindustry standards. It effectively controls large-scaledevelopment efforts while lowering project risk. Rational Apexfeatures an editor, a compiler, powerful debugging tools, andan advanced system of configuration management and versioncontrol. Rational Apex is the foundation of an integratedproduct family that also includes solutions for analysis anddesign, requirements traceability, automatic documentgeneration, automated testing, and postdeployment maintenanceto help both individuals and teams get their work done fasterand more reliably.

Rational Rose is a family of products that provide graphical,software-engineering support of object-oriented development.Also available is Rational Rose/C++, Rational Rose/Ada,Rational Rose/SQLWindows, and Rational Rose/ObjectPro whichprovide code generation and reverse engineering capabilitiesfor iterative development.

SoDA allows users to generate documentation automatically andincrementally from many external information sources. SoDA alsocan be tailored to a variety of documentation formats and canbe used on projects regardless of the implementation language.

TestMate is a comprehensive set of testing tools integratedwith Rational Apex that reduce the cost of software testing andmaintenance and improve the quality of software. TestMatehelps increase the productivity of development and testingteams by automating various parts of the software-testingprocess and providing a common framework for allsoftware-testing activities.

VADS is a production-quality software-development system thatincludes a high-performance compiler, a debugger,library-management tools, a performance analyzer, a coverageanalyzer, a task-event trace/analysis tool, and a runtimesystem. VADS is particularly well-suited for development ofcomplex embedded software. The product family includes:

  • VADSself--for workstations and servers
  • VADScross--for real-time embedded applications
  • VADSworks--for support of Wind River's VxWorks
  • VADSmp--for shared-memory multiprocessors

DADS is a distributed application development system thatallows automatic and transparent distribution of Ada objects ina single Ada program across a homogeneous network.

Company description

Founded in 1980, Rational Software Corporation (NASDAQ symbol:RATL) is a $70-million company with headquarters in SantaClara, California, and regional sales and support offices inthe United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Sweden,Germany, Taiwan, and Australia. The company also has partnersand distributors worldwide.Ada compiler online


Rational Online News is Rational Software Corporation'sexclusive online news-distribution service that providesinformation--press releases, case studies, and so on--tocustomers, partners, and resellers using electronic mail.The news is available over the Internet to anyone interestedin receiving it. Subscribers must have a gateway or accessto the Internet. The purpose of this service is to keep ourcustomers and partners informed and up to date on RationalSoftware Corporation's latest product announcements anddevelopments. If you would like to receive Rational OnlineNews, please send e-mail to ''.Please include name, phone number, and e-mail address inthe message.

R.R. Software, Inc.
-- Web Site:


Oldest independent Ada compiler company in the world. Developed the first Ada compiler for the PC in 1981, and are the only vendor to exclusively write and develop our Ada products in Ada.

The Janus/Ada 95 Professional Development Systems are available for the Microsoft Windows NT/95, 32 Bit DOS Extender, and PC-based Unix operating systems. All three Ada 95 compilers conform to the ACVC 2.0 and 2.0.1 standards.

Claw is a thick Ada 95 binding to the Microsoft Win 32 API, allowing real Ada 95 programming for Windows NT/95. The product is portable to the Aonix ObjectAda, GNAT, and DDC-I Ada 95 compilers.

Ada 83 line includes tool kits for Embedded Systems programming, Microsoft Windows 3.X, DOS, 32 Bit DOS, and PC-based Unix. RRS will continue to support these products at least through the end of 1998.

PasTran is a unique tool for Pascal to Ada translation, which allows Pascal code owners to smoothly and efficiently convert to Ada.

Silicon Graphics Computer Systems
-- Web Site:

The DeveloperMagic ProDev Ada 95 has been released by Silicon Graphics.The Silicon Graphics Ada 95 development environment integrates theflexibility of a true object-oriented programming language and thespeed of a next-generation development tool set with multi-processorpower, an open architecture and the modular structure of Ada 95.

Tartan, Inc., acquired by Texas Instruments in May 1996, see below

Tartan, Inc. develops, markets, and supports optimizing cross-compilation systems and related software tools for developers of real-time, embedded applications. Tartan's products are anchored in its highly developed optimization technology, its particular expertise in runtime development, and its debugging technology--all directed at producing fast, small, reliable object code, the principal requirements for real-time embedded applications.

Tartan has recently released the first commercially available Ada development systems for embedded processors that incorporate features of the Ada 95 language revision. These capabilities include the protected type, hierarchical libraries, a full Ada 95 parser and priority queueing. The user may select between Ada 83 code and Ada 95 code with a simple command line option. Additional Ada 95 facilities will be added in future incremental releases.

Tartan offers Ada development systems for four groups of embedded processors:

  • Texas Instruments C3x and C40 digital signal processors (DSPs)
  • Intel i960 KB, MC and MX RISC processors
  • Motorola 68xxx processors
  • MIL-STD-1750A.
Tartan also offers TartanWorks, an integration of the Tartan Ada Development System for Motorola 68xxx processors with Wind River Systems' VxWorks real-time operating system.

Tartan Ada development systems are hosted on Digital Equipment's VAX/VMS and the Sun Microsystems SPARC workstation running SunOS or Solaris.Each Tartan Ada development system is validated by the U. S. government.

Each Tartan Ada development system includes the following core components:

  • highly optimized Ada compiler
  • Ada librarian supporting multiple libraries and multiple access
  • modular, customizable Ada runtime system
  • linker that precisely controls memory layout and eliminates unused program and runtime sections
  • AdaScope--Tartan's window-oriented, customizable, source- and machine-level symbolic debugger
  • the Tartan Tool Set including the AdaTrak dynamic profiler, AdaRef static analyzer, AdaList annoted listing tool, Checksum utility, object file librarian, and file conversion utilities
  • Board Retargeting Kit, to customize the debug kernel to a specific board configuration by modifying a small target-resident program.
  • on-line help for the compiler, librarian, and AdaScope
  • complete documentation for all components of the system.

Tartan Ada development systems also include a number of important packages:

  • a library of pre-defined standard Ada packages
  • runtime client package providing access to tasking data structures and operations
  • intrinsics package providing access to target hardware facilities
  • math Package including elementary math functions that meet the specifications of the SIGAda and Ada-Europe Numeric Working Groups

Tartan also offers a number of optional components, including:

  • expanded memory support in the 1750A product
  • inter-processor allowing coordination of Ada programs among different C3x, C40 and 68xxx processors via shared memory
  • a multi-processor debugging capability in the C40 product
  • simulator and emulator support in several products
  • an assembler for the 1750A, C3x/C40, and i960 targets
  • support for the SPOX math package in the C3x and C40 products
  • runtime modification kits for all products
  • link retargeting kits to adapt the interface between AdaScope and a different communications link configuration

Tartan also offers third-party products that enhance the developmentenvironment:

Ada Compiler Online

  • GrammaTech's Ada-ASSURED, a language-sensitive editor that also provides facilities for browsing, style and standards enforcement and program formatting.
  • Reasoning Systems' REFINE/Ada and Software Refinery that help to evaluate and reengineer existing Ada programs

Texas Instruments (bought Tartan in May 1996, see above)
-- Web Site:

See TI's 1995 description ofTartan as a 3rd-party supplier.

Ada Compiler Windows

Note: The lists of validated compilers also contain information onvendor points of contact. See the compilers page.

Ada Compiler Download

Page last modified: 1998-12-20