Comedy Drama Script In Hindi

Bollywood style
comedy drama script
for kids & youth

  1. Comedy Drama Script In Hindi Pdf
  2. Comedy Drama Script In Hindi On Corruption
  3. Comedy Drama Script In Hindi Download
  4. Best Comedy Drama Script In Hindi
  5. Comedy Drama Script In Hindi Download
  • KS2 Year 6 Comedy

    Bollywood High School:
    'Please Keep Off the Grass!'

    A humorous look at how not to win the affections of a girl in school. Romantic comedy play for primary schools, middle schools and junior high schools. Also suitable as PSHE assembly, Valentine's Day assembly, end of year school play or Year 6 leavers assembly.

    The scripts includes production notes and suggestions for Indian music and scenes with Bollywood style dances (music CD NOT included).

    Simple set, comic situations, story with a moral.

    Price: £ 9.00 or US $ 16.00

    Inclusive rights for 3 public performances (Terms).

    Buy Online £ (GBP)
    Buy Online US $

    Year 6 Leavers assembly script.
    Comedy drama script set in
    'Bollywood High School'.

    PSHE play with the theme of listening to the advice of elders.

    Author: Robert Reed
    Roles: 30 actors (minimum 21: minimum 6 male,
    minimum 7 female)
    4 female dancers
    Duration: 20-25 minutes
    Age: 10-12
    (US 5th Grade, 6th Grade
    UK Year 6, Year 7)
    Genre: romantic comedy

    Place: India, junior high school in 'Bollywood'

    Time: now

    Ajay is nervous about his first day at his new big city school: Bollywood High School. He asks his grandparents for advice and they tell him that he should study hard, be honest to himself and others and practice diligently to be the best at cricket. Ajay is determined to follow his grandparents’ wisdom but his resolve to stick to grandparents’ advice disappears in a heartbeat when he sees Charvi. He sets out to win her affection, with disastrous (humorous) consequences. Finally, he decides to give up his pursuit of Charvi and becomes the hero of the school cricket match. Charvi now wants his affection; but, in the end, which girl does Ajay decide is the right one for him?

There are many scripts available like drama script in English, drama scripts for teenagers and funny drama script in English with moral and some humorous stories. But here you will get fully new and never used short skit on moral values with dialogues in english .This is completely new “Drama Script” for high school students and college students. Note down freely short drama script with moral values in English. Learn by heart these drama dialogues for your upcoming cultural program. This play script can help you to give a fantastic performance and kids love it. It is funny script and free with good role play around all characters. Here is moral values skit+script . Learn also some jam related topics here.

Characters in Drama Script in English with moral: 5 to 7 and more

But even if, say, a funny drama script isn’t really your “thing,” read it anyway. If you want to improve as a comedy writer it’s essential that you read as many comedy scripts as possible. And every one of these comedy scripts is well worth your time. Click to tweet this post. Hindi drama script for students, Hindi dictionary 0 to English, Hindi character. Hindi comedy short play script free download Hindi comedy script pdf. Is a good warm-up campaign 2017 The activities of studios examined in the script are to. Restricted his participation at the end of Diane's best season, the 11th season.

SCENE -1 Drama Script

Here is the short drama in english with characters allotted to each dialogue.

Sanjay: Hello friends today we are planning to do one crime work

Friends: Oh we will do anything if it benefits

Sanjay: Ok listen, we must now go to one secret place and do the work

Friends: But we are excited to know the work. Can you let us know

Sanjay: Oh sure why not? I will reveal my plan. But promise you do not tell anyone.

Friends: Sure we promise not to tell what happens amidst us.

Sanjay: Do you want to become rich over night?

Friends: Over night! But how is it possible? It is almost impossible

Sanjay: I make it possible . We are going to print black money of 500 notes

Friends: Oh how much can we expect if we co operate in this work?

Sanjay: You can earn daily thousand dollars every day

Friends: oh Awesome this is amazing, now we are ready to do this work.

Sanjay: Done let us move to the damaged building and do so.

Readers: Now we are entering into the second scene of drama script

SCENE 2 Drama Script

Here is the another scene as a part of short drama scripts with moral.

Jane: Hi sita how are you?

Sita: Yes I am fine. I am going to sell my land this week and sanjay is ready to buy this

Jane: Sanjay! But he is not so rich to offer 50 thousand dollars for your land

Sita: No, recently he moved to Dubai and got some worked and earned he says.

Jane: Ok then I too have one land. Can he buy from me too?

Sita: Why not or else I will enquire about this. Hope he may take

Jane: Come let us go to Sanjay and meet and finalise the date of selling

Sita: Oh Yes come we will move right now toward Sanjay’s house and confirm the same.

Readers: Now we are moving into the third scene of drama script

SCENE 3 Drama Script

Here is the 3rd part of the drama script in english with moral for college students

Sanjay: Oh Jane and Sita, Nice to see you after a long time. Hope you can become rich

Jane: Yes Sanjay we have a great deal we want to sell both of our lands to you now

Sita: I came to know that you worked in Dubai for some days and capable of buying our land

Sanjay: Thank you Jane and Sita. This is very great offer and I accept this offer.

Jane: Ok now we will go to registration office and get things done. Carry money.

Sanjay: Yes today itself we will finish this transaction as tomorrow is holiday.

Sita: ok come on.

Sanjay: oh now we are here in this office. I have talked with my friends and they are bringing money for you. You can sign the documents.

Jane: Your friends? Why do they come to bring money? Any how I have no problem now.

Friends: Hello Sanjay how are you. We have bought the requested 500 notes now.

Sanjay: This is our hard earned money friends. Let us keep this with us to give to Jane and Sita. We are now getting registrations done.

Jane and Sita: Can we start signing the documents? We are excited.

Sanjay: Yes let me sign. Ok Take this money of 50 thousand dollars.

Jane and Sita: Thank you today is a great day for us. We will use this money for running our families.

Sanjay: Thank you. Tomorrow I am leaving London. I may not come back. Best of Luck.

Scene 4 Drama Script

Readers: Now we are getting into the fourth scene of drama script

Krish: I am Police I want to check your house for Black money Ms Jane

Jane: Oh why is this surprise. I am not involved in any crime

Krish: What is this Black money here.

Jane: Black Black Black. This is just shocking

Krish: We will come again for further investigating

Jane: Hello Sita, I am calling from this mobile to give you a serious information

Sita: Information? What is that? It is very rude. How we are into this situation.

Jane: ok this way we are in very serious condition.

Sita; We will go to Sanjay friends Marsh and give back this money

Jane : Ok we will do so. Let us head on fast.

Friends: Who are you Ms Jane and Ms Sita

Jane: Oh Don’t you know who are we? You are all cheaters!

Sita: Let us go out and give police complaint.

Scene-5 Drama Script

Readers: Now we are entering into the fifth scene of drama script. This is the hall mark for the whole drama. Now you have to seriously take all the character where your drama script will be successful.

Mark Chief Minister: Today I am announcing that all 500 notes currency is banned by the government. And you cannot exchange or give police complaint for any kind of fake currency.

Jane: Did you listen to the news today. Our honourable chief minister declared. All the fake currency and good currency of 500 notes are banned.

Sita: Oh This is more disappointing . Our hard earned 50 thousand dollars gone.

Jane: What shall we do now? What reply can we give to our families!

Sita: I do not understand what to do now. There is no way of proving our innocence. All 500 notes are banned.

Jane: I am feeling to live this life. I am fully disappointed.

Sita: I am feeling to die now. What do you think Jane about this?

Jane: Oh I too am in terrible state. Let us now find way to die

Sita: There is no other option.

Jane: Come let us go out and bring poison and we will consume

Sita: No I cannot face suffering we will take some sleeping tablets and this would be safe death.

Jane: I do agree. Let us proceed.

Sita: Now that we bought this tablets go and get water and it is time to leave this world

Jane: Wait I will bring water Please wait. This is our last journey.

Sita: Now I am consuming this poison and I will die along with you

Jane and Sita: Oh we are dying! Oh we are dying!

Sita: Good Bye Jane now. This is end!

Arnold: Oh This is frustrating who are these two girls died. These girls are enough rich with good lands. Why have they taken this decision to die. I have to investigate myself to decode the secrets here.

Chief Minister: Arnold I order a probe regarding this as media made this matter hot public is very furious.

Arnold meets friends Marsh

Marsh: Oh yes Journalist how can I help you.

Krish: Arnold and myself want to ask you some questions..

Marsh runs away.

Note: From here the drama script is in running mode

Arnold catches Marsh and takes him to the police station. Marsh tells about Mitchel and Arnold goes and catches Mitchel and enquires about the incident why these woman committed suicide. Marsh did not tell any thing but Mitchel told out of fear everything what had exactly taken place to Police Krish. And Arnold the journalist comes to know about all this matter. Chief Minister also overwhelmed about the pathetic death of Jane and Sita. Now that it is too much time to save. The only thing that is left is to punish Friends Marsh and Mitchel. But Sanjay fled somewhere. Police is in search of him. Drama Script

Know that Police in search of him, Sanjay hides in one hotel. Police alerted all hotels secretly about Sanjay’s wanderings. The manager of the hotel doubts the person’s who has just checked in. They complained the police. As Sanjay is in the room. Police suddenly comes over there. But Sanjay manages to run away and very cleverly sets thorough the back door and runs very far into the forest. Nobody could catch him. Being in the forest Sanjay cannot come out. There is a strict invigilation around the forest. Sanjay now feels hungry and he is getting weakened due to low nutrition. It is 3 days since Sanjay starting spending in forest secretly. So to now he is fully wounded due to insects and ants. And at the end Sanjay trying to save his life, he decides to come out of the forest and slowly moves. He fights for his life. And this way he is out of the forest. Police catches him red handed. Not that he is fully wounded rushed to the hospital near by. He struggles for his life a lot and at the end. Doctor now discharges him. Now all three are in the hospital namely Sanjay Mitchel Marsh. They are the 3 culprits who are responsible for the death of poor and innocent Jane and Sita. See below drama script

Chief Minister: Oh this is amazing work Krish

Krish: Thank sir. This is a great honor.

Arnold: I am really responsible for this. So this way we need to arrange press meet and tell the public about the innocence of Jane and Sita

Chief Minister: Ok then we will arrange a press meet so that public will rejoice at the big incident happened.

Chief Minister during press meet.

I take this opportunity to honour Journalist and Krish the Police. So this is how we can tell things to be more appreciating.

Garlanding done and final message is delivered By Arnold the journalist.

Arnold: So here I am now with you dear public, You must be aware that you must not cheat people and become a reason for their disappointment. Never cheat people for the sake of becoming rich in very short time. This will ruin you and those people around you who believe so. In this way. We can be more understand the moral from this true life story of Jane and Sita and Sanjay and Marsh and Mitchel. Continue reading Drama Script

Do not hold back your confidence in your poverty and disappointment. So there are many genuine ways to earn money. Now-a-days we have many opportunities around us. So make sure you work hard public. All are our brothers and sisters. So never bring yourself to danger. So be sincere to yourself and be accountable. Nothing more you desire. Buddha himself tells that Desire is the root cause of all evil. If you do not have desires then you can liberate yourself and live a life of happiness. Last but not cheap idea. Do not live with becoming rich. So this is my message dear public. Go ahead reading drama script

Jane and Sita suddenly appears walking now and they are among the public

Jane and Sita are not dead. They were in the hospital in coma for sometime. It was misinterpreted to catch the culprit by the doctor that they were dead.

Jane: We are now saved from this big incident and cannot hold back. We are not dead But our fake death dug all the truths and that is how we know what life is.

Sita: I am now delighted to get back all our money as a sponsorship by the chief minister.

Jane: I am going to meet my family Sita

Sita: Oh I too am delighted now and I am excited to meet all my famil members. In this way we can be more successful dear friends.

Jane: Why is that so? In two days Christmas is approaching we are happy to celebrate.


Sita: Hello Jane Happy Christmas to you. Where is my Christmas cake now?

Jane: I am now inviting you for Christmas party and you must come here.


-THE END- Drama Script

Hello greetings from Shyam Reddy, The above Drama Script is completely new and it is never told by anyone internationally. This is completely from my own mind and based on some real incidents and true stories. So this is real experience and real stories mixed together to for one beautiful moral skit. This is useful Drama Script for college students and kids and school student of high school. You can use for free stage plays and useful for students and community members. You can ask kids or college students to perform this skits for long amount of time. You can also reduce this to short drama script by reducing some length. These drama scripts is highly useful to gain popularity among your community. Because once you give good drama script it is remembered forever. Thanks for viewing this drama script

Short Drama Script

I am giving below some short drama scripts which are very rare and these short drama scripts are unique and nobody knows. Take this chance and use the easy and rare short drama scripts. These short drama scripts will give you reputation and makes your performance super hit.

Name of Short Drama: World record ( Short Script)

Scene: Is it a big TV studio

Characters:, Daisy Hargreave who is the wife of Albert, Mabel Phillips, a man, Michael Moonshine, Albert Hargreaves

Comedy drama script in hindi translation

Michael: Thank you. thank you, thank you. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the program that gives you the chance to break a world record. We have here in the studio tonight two people who are trying to break world records. Let’s meet them and see what they’re doing. Tell me, sir, what is your name?

Albert: Albert Hargreaves.

Michael: Albert Hargreaves. Well, Albert, what are you doing?

Albert: I’m standing on one leg in a bucket of hot soup.

Michael: Ladies and gentlemen, he’s standing on one leg in a bucket of hot soup!

(The audience applauds.)

Michael: Albert, how long have you been standing on one leg in that bucket of hot soup?

Albert: I’ve been standing here for six hours and fifty-eight minutes.

Michael: And what is the world record for standing on one leg in a bucket of hot soup? Albert: The world record is seven hours and three minutes, Michael.

Michael: Seven hours and three minutes! And you’ve been standing there for six hours and fifty-nine minutes now. Well, Albert, you’ve only got four minutes to go!

(The audience applauds.)

Michael: Albert, you’ve been standing on one leg in that bucket of soup for almost seven hours now.

Albert: That’s right, Michael.

Michael: Tell me – is the soup still hot?

Albert: Yes. My wife’s been coming in every half-hour with more hot soup. Here she comes now.

(Mrs Hargreaves comes in.)

Daisy: Here you are, Albert.

(She pours some hot soup into the bucket.)

Albert: Aaaargh!

Michael: Well, I’m glad it’s your leg in the soup. Albert, and not mine.

(The audience laughs.)

Michael: Now we have another contestant in the studio, a very charming young lady. Can you tell the viewers your name?

Mabel: Mabel Phillips.

Michael: Mabel Phillips. Well, Mabel, what are you doing?

Comedy Drama Script In Hindi Pdf

Mabel: I’m leaning on this brush.

Michael: She’s leaning on a brush, ladies and gentlemen!

(The audience applauds.)

(The audience laughs.)

Short comedy script

Michael: Well, Albert has been standing on one leg in his bucket of hot soup for seven hours and one minute, so he’s only got two more minutes to go! Poor Mabel’s got a long way to go…And here is another young man – and he hasn’t got any trousers on.

(The audience laughs.)

Michael: Now, sir, what are you doing?

Man: I’m looking for my trousers.

Michael: I can see that. And how long have you been looking for your trousers?

Comedy Drama Script In Hindi On Corruption

Man: I’ve been looking for my trousers for five minutes.

Michael: And what’s the world record?

Man: Pardon?

Michael: What’s the world record for looking for trousers?

Man: I’m not trying to break a world record. I took my trousers off to have a bath, and when I got out of the bath, my trousers were gone.

Michael: I see. Get out of the way! We’re on television!

The audience laughs.

Michael: Sorry about that, ladies and gentlemen. Now back to Albert Hargreaves. Albert, you’ve been standing in that bucket of hot soup for seven hours and two minutes. Only one more minute to go, and you will break the world record. And here comes Mrs. Hargreaves with more hot soup!

Daisy: Here you are, Albert.

(She pours some more soup into the bucket.)

Albert: Aaaargh!

Michael: Tell me. Albert, how does it feel?

Albert: Hot!

(The audience laughs.)

Michael: No, no, no! How does it feel to be approaching the world record?


Albert: Well, Michael, I’ve been dreaming about this moment, I’ve been thinking about nothing else

Michael: Yes, Albert.

Albert: I’ve been practicing every day

Michael: Yes, Albert.

Albert: Twice on Sundays!

Michael: Yes – and here comes Mrs. Hargreaves

Albert: Oh no, not again!

Michael: It’s all right, Albert, she’s only looking at her watch!

(The audience laughs.)

Daisy: Albert! Albert! Only ten seconds to

go! Ten, nine, eight, seven (Mabel pushes Albert.)

Mabel: (Ironically) Congratulations, Albert!

Albert: Aaaargh!

Comedy Drama Script In Hindi Download

Albert falls over.

Michael: Well, ladies and gentlemen, Albert Hargreaves hasn’t broken a world record,

but he has broken…his leg!’

Best Comedy Drama Script In Hindi

Conclusion: The above Englsih drama script can be very well used for short comedy drama script in english with moral

Comedy Drama Script In Hindi Download

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