Novel Dear Allah Pdf

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Download Gratis Buku Pdf Klik Di Sini (Google Drive). Buku pdf ini diformat untuk nyaman dibaca pakai HP, meski tetap bisa dengan laptop, desktop atau tablet. Bacaan ilmu dan pengetahuan agama Islam, download Gratis ribuan bukunya di sini yang berformat pdf, dan jangan lupa simpan situs blog ini supaya tidak ketinggalan upload buku baru setiap harinya dan semoga memberikan manfaat dan kebaikan. E-Book, Novel Dear Allah by Diana Febi. Romadoni April 25, 2019 14 comments Deskripsi. Judul: Dear Allah. Dear Allah by Diana Febi May (4).


The Spirit of Ramadhaan - e-book

Monday, 14 May 2018 05:34

Format: PDF

Size: 3.8 MB

Published by: Madrasah Ta'leemuddeen


The blessed month of Ramadhaan holds a very special place in the heart of every Muslim, and is eagerly anticipated by one and all. While most people are aware of the abundant blessings, special mercies and tremendous rewards that are on offer in this auspicious period, not all manage to capitalize on this opportunity and improve their relationship with their Creator during this month of mercy.

In this regard, it is the pious servants of Allah Ta‘ala who truly understand the objective of Ramadhaan and the crucial role it plays in the life of a Muslim. They thus value every second of this blessed month and strive to gain maximum goodness and blessings from it.

Hadhrat Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani (rahmatullahi ‘alaih)

Monday, 01 January 2018 16:07

Published By: Ta'limi Board (KZN)

Shaikhul Islam, Hazrat Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) is a personality who was loved by one and all, Muslim and Non-Muslim. There may be very few individuals in the Muslim world who have not heard his name nor admired his outstanding traits. Hailing from the noble family of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), with his roots in Madeenah Munawwarah, this great sun of Islam shone his radiance throughout the length and breadth of India, fighting for the cause of Islam and the freedom of the Muslims. He worked tirelessly as a mujaahid par excellence, striving to remove the oppressive British from India and to free the oppressed Indians from their evil clutches.

This biography briefly highlights the salient aspects in his life that serves as a motivation for us to strive selflessly for the Deen of Allah Taala.

Price: R50.00

The Laws of Janaazah

Sunday, 31 December 2017 00:00

Published By: Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen

Death is an inevitable event which no man can escape. As such, the reality of death is something which is accepted by both the believer and disbeliever. As far as a disbeliever is concerned, he views death as a terminating point which brings an abrupt end to his existence. As for a believer, he does not consider death to be the end of life. Instead, he considers it to be the beginning of the second phase of the journey towards his ultimate abode – the Hereafter.

When a person has passed away, he becomes a lifeless body in the hands of others. They do with him as they wish. However, now that he is unable to do anything for himself, it is his right upon his near and dear ones, as well as those close to him, that all his matters pertaining to his last moments of life, as well as his ghusal, kafan, burial, winding of his estate and every other aspect relating to his death and after-death, be managed and undertaken in the most perfect way – the way of the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam).

The Practice of Eighty Durood After Asr on Friday

Thursday, 21 December 2017 08:20

Published By: Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen

Reciting durood upon Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) is regarded as being among the greatest ‘ibaadaat in Deen through which one may acquire the divine love of Allah Ta‘ala and the special closeness of His beloved Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “Indeed, the people who will be closest to me on the Day of Qiyaamah will be those who used to recite the most durood upon me in the world.”

In his mubaarak ahaadeeth, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) has encouraged his Ummah to recite abundant durood upon him and he has explained that through reciting durood, they will receive great virtues and blessings from Allah Ta’ala.

The Spirit of Qurbaani - e-book


Monday, 28 August 2017 11:53

Format: PDF

Size: 1.2 MB

Published by: Madrasah Ta'leemuddeen

With the grace of Allah Ta‘ala, to a great extent the atmosphere of qurbaani is widely experienced in our country. In many communities, animals are kept and slaughtered in backyards. The children look forward to this and engage in all the work with great enthusiasm. This is something commendable and should be increased, as it will keep alive the ‘ibaadat of qurbaani for the future generations.

However, there is a great need for us to move from the mere atmosphere to achieving the true spirit of qurbaani. If this is not understood, then under the false pretence of “spirit” various laws of sharee‘ah will be violated, such as taking of selfies, intermingling, etc. This then results in this momentous ‘ibaadat becoming a mere event of entertainment and fun.

Revealing the True Facts of Yazeed ~ The Incident of Karbala and the Events that Followed

Monday, 07 August 2017 07:05

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Size: 2.94 MB

Published by: Madrasah Ta'leemuddeen

This book has been prepared to explain the incidents and events that occurred during the reign of Yazeed as well as to reveal the mainstream view of the Sahaabah (Radiyallahu Anhum), Taabi’een and the luminaries of the various eras of Islam regarding Yazeed.

Hard copies are available from Madrasah Ta'leemuddeen.

Price: R55.00

Contact Moulana Yacoob Salejee on (+27) 31 902 9916 between 9:30am and 11:30am.

Words of Wisdom from the Pious of the Past

Monday, 07 August 2017 07:01

Format: PDF

Size: 2.3 MB

Published by: Madrasah Ta'leemuddeen

Among the giants of the recent past were Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyaas Kandhelwi (rahmatullahi ‘alaih), Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) and Hazrat Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahmatullahi ‘alaih). The legacies of these three personalities became the means of the reformation of thousands around the globe. In the above book, titled “Words of Wisdom from the Pious of the Past”, some of their heart inspiring statements and golden advices have been translated from the Urdu language. A short biography of each of these personalities has also been included in this book which will give one a slight glimpse of their status as well as their works and achievements.


Hard copies are available from Madrasah Ta'leemuddeen.

Contact Moulana Yacoob Salejee on (+27) 31 902 9916 between 9:30am and 11:30am.

Dear Haafiz - Revised Edition

Tuesday, 16 May 2017 13:37

Format: PDF

Size: 1.8 MB

Published by: Madrasah Ta'leemuddeen

All praise is due to Allah Ta‘ala alone for the priceless bounty of the Quraan Majeed. May our lives be sacrificed for the Quraan Majeed.

Those who have been especially chosen by Allah Ta‘ala as a means to protect and safeguard His pure Book are extremely fortunate indeed. These special people are the huffaaz (plural of haafiz). They are a manifestation of Allah Ta‘ala’s Majesty and Power, that Allah Ta‘ala showered His mercy upon them and enabled them to commit the Quraan Majeed to memory. Memorising a book as voluminous as the Quraan Majeed is indeed a miracle — a miracle of the Quraan Majeed which Allah Ta‘ala has made manifest through His special servants.

Avoiding Divine Wrath

Novel Dear Allah 2 Pdf

Saturday, 13 August 2016 13:59

Format: PDF

Size: 3.38 MB

Published by:Uswatul Muslimah

Our most beautiful deen has given us complete guidance and bestowed us with the most perfect way of leading our lives. Among the occasions in which the guidelines of deen are most tragically neglected is the occasion of nikaah. The blessings of this great ‘ibaadah are destroyed due to an abundance of sinful activities.

This booklet is a consolidated transcript of two talks that were delivered by Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyaas Patel Saheb (daamat barakaatuhm) on this most pertinent topic in an effort to enlighten the Ummah of the importance of conducting our nikaahs in the simple, sunnah manner and to highlight the harms of having extravagant weddings and indulging in haraam activities.

Hardcopies are available from:

1. Madrasatus Saalihaat - 30 Tarndale Ave. Asherville (+27 31 207 4940)

2. I. G. Hoosen & Company – 202 Brickfield Rd. Overport (+27 31 207 1035)

3. Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen – Isipingo Beach (Bookshop +27 31 902 9916)

Alternatively if you wish the copies to be posted to you, email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Novel Dear Allah Pdf Full

Price: R15-00

Stepping Stones to Reformation - Part 3 (Short Advices of Hz. Mf. Ebrahim Salejee d.b)

Download Ebook Novel Dear Allah Pdf

Thursday, 02 June 2016 06:37

Format: PDF

Size: 1.5 MB

Published by: Madrasah Ta'leemuddeen

Hard copies are available from Madrasah Ta'leemuddeen bookshop.

Price: R30.00

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